Gene German
Certified Firearms Instructor - Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Florida
Certified Firearms Instructor - Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Florida
I need good people to certify as firearms instructors. If you would like to know more about becoming a trainer, please click on the "BE AN INSTRUCTOR" link above.
What my students say:
What did you find was the most informative part of this class?
Pretty much all of it. Very informative thinking outside of my "sheep" mentality.
There was so much information so it would be difficult to narrow down which was most informative.
Have you changed the way you thought about armed citizens?
I kind of thought they were a little outside the box - "Who needs to carry a gun always" but it is a right and if they feel comfortable enough carrying, - go for it.
I don't fear armed citizens.
If someone asked you about my class and you only had 20-30 seconds to respond, what would you tell them?
Good information and presented well.
Gene's a good instructor who knows his stuff. I recommend him.
I learned a lot in a short amount of time and feel really comfortable in going ahead with getting my permit. I only thought I wanted to take the class to learn enough about a pistol to go to the range and shoot, and skip out on the permit, but I think I will get one now.
Gene has a fabulous way of approaching a very sensitive topic and make others feel comfortable and safe.